Standard Sizes for Residential Garage Doors include single-car doors in widths of 8, 9, and 10 feet, and double-car doors in widths of 12, 14, 16, and 18 feet, with heights typically at 7 or 8 feet. Custom sizes are available for unique requirements.

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Embarking on a journey to replace or install a new garage door requires meticulous planning, starting with precise measurements. The accuracy of these measurements is crucial not only for aesthetic reasons but also for ensuring smooth functionality and longevity of your garage door system.

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Garage doors are among the most significant moving objects in many homes, making safety a top priority, especially for families with children and pets. Modern garage door systems have various safety features to protect against accidents and injuries.

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Garage door sensors are crucial components that ensure your garage door system’s safety and proper functioning. However, like any mechanical device, they can encounter issues over time, particularly with alignment. Troubleshooting sensor alignment problems is essential to Maintain Your Garage Door’s smooth operation and safety.

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Cleaning is the first line of defense in maintaining the beauty of your Wooden Garage Door. Regularly remove dirt, dust, and debris using a soft brush or cloth. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the wood or its finish.

Instead, opt for a mild detergent mixed with water for gentle cleaning. Be diligent about cleaning not only the front but also the back and sides of the door to prevent any build-up that could compromise its structural integrity.

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Custom garage doors may be made with little effort for both houses and businesses. Commercial garage doors that show off your company’s values and products are a great way to stand out from the competition.

When it comes to residential garage doors, the goal is the same: you want your whole house to reflect your sense of style and values.

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Has your garage door been squeaking a lot lately? Perhaps it needs a new coat of lubricant. Read the article to find out how to safely lubricate your garage door.

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Garage door remotes may be an important asset in our daily routine, but they must also be carefully taken care of. Read the article to learn exciting and crucial facts about garage door remotes.

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Spring failure is a typical cause of garage door malfunction, but it is also a problem that a professional may easily remedy. There are many reasons the spring may break, some of which may be prevented.

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It’s even more critical to have a weatherproof garage to store items that don’t belong inside but need to be protected from the elements. Where else would you put your car when bad weather is on the way?

Garages need to be sturdy against all kinds of weather, but they can’t retain that strength; they require help from other house parts. To ensure a long and consistent service life, weatherproofing is essential. However, what does it imply for your garage? This half-inside, half-outside place is a beast unto itself! Indeed, you’ve dealt with the procedure within your house and probably even its external components.

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In this article, we have provided some tips to help you avoid emergency garage door repairs. These tips will ensure you can save money and time on garage door repairs in the early stages.

Therefore, you do not have to spend much money once the matter becomes more complex. Hopefully, these tips will be the key to all your problems.

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A loud garage may be a nuisance to everyone in your family and your neighbors. Those who have a bedroom next to a garage with a noisy garage door opener know how unpleasant it is to wake up to such sounds.

If your garage door opener is grinding, clunking, squeaking, or creating any other annoying noise, there are a few things you may do to make it quieter.

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The amount of neglect every garage door faces is common knowledge to all homeowners. If you live in a home with an automated garage door, you know what we refer to. We waste a lot more than we otherwise would have had we been more vigilant to save money and time. Spending an hour or two during early spring and late autumn on maintaining your garage door can benefit your wallet.

Therefore, if you are looking for ways to self-service on your garage door, you have come to the right place. We have compiled together a 10-Step Routine you can follow.

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Generally speaking, most Garage Doors Can Last Between 15 and 30 Years. However, it depends on the door and the environment.

The lifespan of the garage door is determined by numerous factors, including the weather.

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People do not understand that this mindset costs them more in the long run. If you avoid minor and minimal-cost repairs, your garage door will inevitably have much more significant issues that could have been otherwise avoided had the door been checked regularly. This can increase the lifespan of the doorway more than you can imagine.

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Your garage door may be the source of wetness, filth, or rat droppings in your garage if you’ve spotted them. The bottom seals of garage doors, designed to keep out water, wind, dirt, and other invaders, may wear down over time due to their size and weight.

Concrete floors or driveway aprons might move, fracture, or settle beneath the door and leave enormous gaps that ordinary seals can’t fill.

You can Seal Your Garage Door in five different methods.

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One of the questions we get a lot of from people is, “how do I Paint my garage door?” The right paint can also give your Garage Door The Illusion of Being Larger. While you can always hire a professional to do the job, you can save a few bucks by doing it yourself. Fortunately, it isn’t as challenging or labor-intensive as some people imagine.

The steps we will go into are going to remain the same for whatever brand of paint you choose. That said, we strongly urge you to read the entire article before attempting to paint your garage door.

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Water damage does come relatively high on the list of all the kinds of disasters that can befall your house. Returning home to find water had seeped through your garage door is probably one of the most infuriating things ever.

Considering that the garage door is in direct contact with the external environment, it is prone to water invasion. Plus, the gaps around its frame worsen the problem. If you want to keep your belongings safe, preventing water from seeping under the garage door is crucial.

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Everyone prefers being in a warm and cozy place during winter’s harsh weather. Chilly breezes and lack of heating not only make us ill but damage property as well.

Typically, garages are not built with any form of insulation. The concrete floor tends to stay chilly, and a mere heater is not enough to make the temperature inside bearable.

You can take the following measures to keep your garage warm throughout this brutal season.

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Unwanted visitors, the weather, and noise are all kept at bay when a garage door is properly sealed. How can you determine if your garage door needs a new seal? The bottom, top, and sides of your garage door need to be sealed. You should measure the door on both sides and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations while installing the seal.

You can increase your Garage’s Energy Efficiency and eliminate pest problems if you take your time and do it correctly. A garage door may be properly sealed in several ways. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

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A garage door comes in sight almost every day. If the door of a garage is broken or damaged, it harms in both practical and visual aspects. Doesn’t matter which portion of the door is affected, it stings in the eye to see. So, it should be repaired or changed as soon as possible to retreat all of its functions. And to serve as a pleasant decoration as well as excellent protection against merciless and extreme weather conditions.

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A need of having more living space leads to the idea of renovating the garage. As the garage is more often used as a workshop or project space or key storage, the idea of renovating it and making it more user-friendly sounds pretty cool. Renovating the garage results in the expansion of living space in the house.

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A garage door is, without a doubt, the most crucial part of the garage. It controls all the movement in and out and adds beauty to the look of the garage. This makes it more important to maintain your garage and get it serviced at the proper intervals. These small steps ensure that you do not face any larger-scale problems concerning your garage door.

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Your garage is an important feature of your house since it protects your valuable assets. You could keep tools in your garage or work on tasks there.

Nevertheless, the floor will inevitably become filthy since you park your car and power equipment in the garage. Simple dirt can be swept away, but oil from the automobile, mowers, and power tools will almost certainly leak onto the floor. Cleaning up this material is more complicated.

The amount and age of the stain will determine how you remove the oil. You can make your garage floor clean again with these strategies.

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What is a garage door screen, exactly? A garage door screen is an extension to the garage opening that allows installing a patio-type screen door inside the garage door. This installation takes up the least amount of space feasible – most manufacturers say that their product requires less than 2 inches of clearance in the garage’s height.

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The short answer to this question is that, yes, Garage Door Panels Can Be Repaired, but only those that have been hinged together. So, when a panel or multiple panels are damaged, they can easily be replaced.

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As someone who owns a garage door, you have probably come across terms like ‘Torsion Spring‘ and ‘Extension Spring.’ You also probably already figured that these are two very different types of springs, but which are responsible for managing the counterbalance system. The system will use a force to mainly offset the garage door’s weight, which allows you to raise and lower it reliably.

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